The song is about love. However, it is not love in the usual sense for many people.
It is an unusual love, it is bright, but unacceptable. It is spontaneous and inexplicable.
When a person wakes up with some people who are important to them in terms of love, is with another person who loves them but has obligations to their future wife, this is the love I describe in this song. This is where its incomprehensibility comes in.
The main task was to describe such unacceptable feelings in a driving and modern song. In my opinion and the opinion of my team, we succeeded.
If something happened during the creation of the track for the first time, be sure to mention it.
“Yes, we had an unusual story while writing the track. I had ideas for the future music video long before writing the track. But at that moment I didn’t think about it, because a song is not always suitable for a particular video. When we were writing the song, we spent the night in the studio. One night I had a dream that clearly described this song (it was like a normal dream, but too believable), and when I woke up, the song was written in 30 minutes.
Some time before we shot the video, we talked about it with the director of the video, and in our video work you can see what happened in my dream. We just corrected a few things to pass YouTube’s moderation,” the singer smiles.
The song is associated with drag queens. Just as unacceptable, but free, also unusual, incomprehensible. One word – “divas”.
“They are the embodiment of this song in reality, you can see them in the video, they are there for a reason. You only need to listen to the song once and watch the performance of any of the Miss Divas of Ukraine in recent years to understand what I’m talking about,” the performer emphasizes.
The main message of the song is that love can be different, but we have to accept it in any form. Otherwise, why is there everything around us? Everything was created for love and we live for it.
The song is about a crazy love that burst into my life like a hurricane. Love that stole all my thoughts and common sense. Such feelings make you believe that life is beautiful, the world is wonderful and you want to do good!
When asked who the song is for or to whom it is dedicated, the singer smiles mysteriously: “I want to keep it a secret. The only thing I can say is that it is, of course, a very dear person to me.”
Along with the song, the artist releases a video clip.
“Imagine a groom who wakes up after a wild bachelor party surrounded by Drag Queens and realizes that he is late for his own wedding! This is where the new video story begins, and it promises to be full of surprises, humor, and funny situations,” the performer shares.
The main character Marsik is fussy in the morning, accidentally flirting with the maid, but at the last moment he remembers his beloved and goes to her.
On his way, he encounters difficulties and breaks down his car, forcing him to run to his destination!
However, he is not alone – he is followed by a whole crowd of random admirers (of all ages) who witnessed his adventures on the way to his love.
The end of the story is a touching meeting with the bride, where all difficulties are left behind and true love wins.
This video clip is a dynamic, funny and unexpectedly moving story with Easter eggs from the director, which will definitely leave the audience delighted.
You can listen to the track on all music platforms.