The 10 acts set to compete in the Eurovizija.LT 2024 final have finally been chosen. LRT’s jury and the Lithuanian public have been voting for their favourites over five heats, which featured three of the country’s past Eurovision acts, plus many more famous and newly established names.
It’s exactly 30 years since Lithuania’s debut at Eurovision. Although the country is still hunting for a win, they have not missed a grand final since the pandemic — gaining high scoring 8th, 14th, and 11th place finishes in the most recent years. Can any of the 10 competing entries go any higher than that and reach the top five?
You’ve now got the chance to have your say. Let us know who your favourites are, and who you want to see waving the Lithuanian flag in Malmö.
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Poll: Who should win Lithuania’s Eurovizija.LT 2024?
You can vote for as many songs as you’d like, but you can only vote one time. Be sure to tick the box next to every act you want to support before pressing submit.
Eurovizija.LT 2024 finalists
Click on the song titles to listen to each song.
The final will feature VB Gang, with its frontman Vidas Bareikis, one of the most successful current-day Lithuanian artists, coming back to the Lithuanian Eurovision pre-selection — however, it’s only his first grand final!
Queens of Roses have made it to the grand final for the first time as well. Year after year of delivering strong performances, the Lithuanian Little Mix are set to put up a tough fight for the trophy.
Quartet Il Senso and Justė Kraujelytė (part of Pluie De Comètes) will return to the grand final stage for the second time in a row. Both reached the Pabandom iš Naujo 2023 grand final.
Žalvarinis previously told Lithuania’s Eurovision 2005 commentator that they would never take part in the contest. Luckily, they’ve changed their mind 19 years later and are now set to compete for the honour of flying Lithuania’s flag in Malmö.
The newcomers to the selection — Aistè, Shower, and Silvester Belt — are this year’s breakthrough acts. Silvester’s “Luktelk” is currently at the top of the betting odds for Eurovizija.LT 2024 and the favourite to head to Malmö on behalf of Lithuania. If Silvester did make to Eurovision, it would only be the fourth time in 30 years that a Lithuanian act has sung in their beautiful national language.
Lastly, we will see a repeat of a duel between Monika Marija and The Roop. Both acts previously competed in the 2018 and 2020 Lithuanian finals. With both of them being extremely high televote earners in previous finals, it makes us raise the question: are “Unlove You Starting Tomorrow” and “Simple Joy” their best entries yet?
Who is your favourite from the Eurovizija.LT 2024 line-up? Does Lithuania have a Eurovision winner in the mix? Let us know in the comments below.