The young Ukrainian star YALLA has released a video for the single from her self-titled EP “Last Online”. All tracks from the collection are dedicated to the topic of relationships and emotions. The 16-year-old star sings about her own personal experience and shares candid stories that each of us has lived or is living. YALLA is rapidly gaining a young audience that hasn’t heard a voice singing about them for years.
The video became the last work of the star in the breakthrough year of 2024. “The Last Online” is an audiovisual journey into the life of a girl and a world where our relationships have mostly moved online, and the presence of a loved one online is becoming one of the most important things.
The music video for the driving and at the same time lyrical song was shot in real locations and features episodes filmed during the artist’s live performances. The video has two interconnected parts: the experience and acceptance of breakup and the creative interpretation of this drama on stage.
The artist has her own philosophy and moves away from traditional pop templates. For her, every relationship is important for personal development, and she turns negative and positive emotions into songs. YALLA always brings out only the best memories from any relationship and sings about it, which separates her and makes her special on our scene.

The young Ukrainian star YALLA has released a video for the single from her self-titled EP “Last Online”. All tracks from the collection are dedicated to the topic of relationships and emotions. The 16-year-old star sings about her own personal experience and shares candid stories that each of us has lived or is living. YALLA is rapidly gaining a young audience that hasn’t heard a voice singing about them for years.
The video became the last work of the star in the breakthrough year of 2024. “The Last Online” is an audiovisual journey into the life of a girl and a world where our relationships have mostly moved online, and the presence of a loved one online is becoming one of the most important things.
The music video for the driving and at the same time lyrical song was shot in real locations and features episodes filmed during the artist’s live performances. The video has two interconnected parts: the experience and acceptance of breakup and the creative interpretation of this drama on stage.
The artist has her own philosophy and moves away from traditional pop templates. For her, every relationship is important for personal development, and she turns negative and positive emotions into songs. YALLA always brings out only the best memories from any relationship and sings about it, which separates her and makes her special on our scene.
The event was attended by such stars as: Sofia Nersesyan, Yulia Kreitor, Tamashi and Dmitry Sysoev. The guests were also able to appreciate the show by Bondarenko Dance STUDIO. The headliner of the evening was Dubky, and the host was a talented actor and stage master, Mr. Petro,
Become a part of the emotional and musical journey You can evaluate the hit from YALLA at this link: