Ukraine’s national sport is controversy. People have been arguing and slinging mud at each other since time immemorial and are willing to do anything to prove their case.
Paradoxically, this trait has positive consequences. Dictatorship is impossible in our country, and our mentality is a guarantor of pluralism.

But in the third spring of the war, when Ukrainians are giving their lives for the freedom of the country, each of us must forget about disputes and unite. The value of every Ukrainian, wherever we are and whatever we do, is the subject of a new track and video by Bobicoz – “A Good Day”.
The positive and inspirational track was created by the Bobicoz project, whose very concept speaks of the unity of people and cultures. Yes, the name is a combination of the Ukrainian “Bo” and the English Because. Thus, the project’s name can be used in slang as an answer to trivial questions like “Why?” – “Because… bikosis”.
The song “Good Day” was not written by chance. It has its own specific story and message: “These days, Ukrainians are mainly divided into three categories: some at the front, some in the rear, and some abroad. This song is a thread that connects and unites them all. This is what this song is about,” said Oleksandr Melnyk, founder of the Bobicoz project.
“The author of the track wants to convey the main idea that each of our hryvnias, each of our kind words or comments is important. And that we shouldn’t argue about things like: “Who did more and what”.

“You never know how your hryvnia saves, how your word heals.” You are especially convinced of this when you talk to the military in hospitals. While writing the song, one of my friends was injured and I wanted to cheer him up, so the idea of writing the song was born,” explains Oleksandr Melnyk.
Despite the complex and ambiguous messages, this track is about goodness and faith in the best. Because “A Good Day” is a day of victory. It will definitely come, and we all have to make efforts to make it happen.
You can appreciate the song, dedicated to all Ukrainians who are looking for and using any opportunities to accelerate the victory, right now:

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