In 2023 Czech broadcaster Ceska Televize made history by staging its first-ever live national final. That resulted in Vesna going to Liverpool with their song “My Sister’s Crown,” which earned the country its second-ever Top 10 result.
Now CT is ready to do it all over again. On Monday afternoon they officially opened the song submission process for ESCZ 2024. The submission window closes on November 6, which some of you will also know as Conchita Wurst’s birthday.
Their official press release is pasted in full below.
ESCZ 2024: Czechia confirms live national final (PRESS RELEASE)
With the immense success of Vesna’s performance at Eurovision 2023, and that top 10 result. Ceska Televize is determined to continue the tradition of excellence and push the boundaries of the Czech musical scene as we embark on this new season, we are calling for all the talented musicians to step forward and join us in this exciting experience.
Czechia’s journey to Eurovision 2024 begins now, and artists are encouraged to submit their entries to the ESCZ Song Reception.
Here are the submission criteria:
From now until the 6th of November at, 23:59 CET, it will be possible to submit songs via a form on the official Eurovision website at Ceska Televize. Ceskatelevize.cz/eurovize
– Songs can be in the form of a demo, a final master is not necessary at this stage.
– Submitted tracks must not have been published or publicly presented in any form before 1.9.2023. If a submitted track has been published or publicly presented before this date, it will be automatically disqualified.
– Multiple submissions from a single artist are allowed.
– The lead singer, i.e. the main vocalist of the song, from this year’s edition does not have to be only a holder of Czech citizenship – now also artists from Slovakia who permanently live and work in the Czech Republic and contribute to the development of the Czech music scene can participate in the competition.
In the case of a duet, at least one of the main vocalists must meet this condition.
Note: Czech Television reserves the right to cancel the competition if the Czechia is unable to participate in ESC 2024 for any reason.
ESCZ will be broadcasted LIVE once again and more details will be shared in the upcoming weeks. The voting rules for the national selection ESCZ will be published in November.