This morning Danish broadcaster DR announced the date and venue for Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2024. The national final will decide which artist and entry from the Kingdom of Denmark will travel over the Öresund Bridge to Eurovision 2024 in Malmö.

The eventual winner won’t have to travel far, as the show will take place 17 February 2024 in DR Koncerthuset (Concert Hall) in Copenhagen. This is the first time since the Olsen Brothers’ victory in 2000 that DMGP won’t be held in a larger sized arena. The DR Concert Hall has room for 1,800 in the audience.

Eight songs will compete in the Danish final, the same number as in the previous three editions.

DR Concert Hall in Copenhagen

Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2024: A new strategy

Denmark hasn’t qualified for the final of Eurovision since 2019, a fact that DR are well aware of. This will reflect the selection of songs to DMGP, where there will be a stronger focus on selecting entries that have the possibility of doing well at Eurovision. 

DR have been evaluating the failures of previous years and have been looking at the types of songs and genres that have done well in Eurovision over the last few years. Those elements will be an important factor in choosing the right songs together with a focus on having an act who has the stamina to endure the marathon of Eurovision participation. 

Jury with international members

Another new area of focus for DMGP will be to have a jury with international members. The exact details are yet to be confirmed, but we already know that the number of jury members will be significantly higher than the 5 members we have seen in the last few years, and that several of these jury members will be international Eurovision and music experts.

The format this year saw the public vote deciding which 3 songs went into the super final, where a combined vote of 50% public vote and 50% jury vote ended up deciding that Reiley should represent Denmark at Eurovision in Liverpool. If the public had decided on their own, we would instead have seen hardrock artist Nicklas Sonne carry the Danish flag on Merseyside.

Do you think the new strategy can help Denmark get back into the Eurovision final again? Which artists do you hope to see in the Danish selection? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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